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Finding the culprit behind excessive hair fall | My story

by - April 04, 2018

Having blessed with gorgeous hair genes from the paternal side, I have never had to worry about my locks all my life. So this was new. This was also the time when my skin went bad for the first time ever and I was breaking out horribly. 
I could not help but wonder that this might be something hormonal. I am in my late twenties so this must be a natural thing. So I was told by people around. It is funny how everyone turns doctor without a degree at such times. I was fed with a multitude of ideas like thyroid issues and that it will correct itself naturally. I would imagine my parents' hair in juxtaposition- mom does not have dense hair but dad never lost a strand. This was depressing. I even spent 13 grand at a salon on Kérastase hair treatment and products. This helped a teeny bit but for a couple days only. Then I decided to turn a doctor without a degree myself and fix the heck out of it. 

  • First off I got my general body check up done that included thyroid as well as hormonal test. It was normal.
  • I listed down all the life changes and travels that happened around when the problem started. Yes, I was traveling a lot around that time but I was not convinced with this as the cause.
  • I listed the common causes of hair fall and wrote them off one by one until none was left.
I had run out of ideas. Then I started researching on the rare causes of hair fall when I came across- "if your body underwent a lot of stress, shock or fever in the past then not immediately but after 1 to 3 months post that incident...". Eureka! I got it. Not stress. It was dengue that I had recovered from around 2 months before the hair fall started. I was so happy! 
Many people around me have had dengue but nobody mentioned hair fall ever. That is why I always say that good information does not spread as much. This kind of illness puts a large chunk of hair under heavy stress and accelerates its aging. As a result, it falls out together in chunks. You will not go bald with this but the volume loss is quite noticeable. Your hair does not need a treatment for this and will eventually grow back. 

My brain was finally at rest.

A few months later today, I have a lot of baby hair on my head. :)

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