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Bad manners that aren't common sense

by - April 07, 2018

Haven't you had a jaw-drop moment when people do things that just throw you off the chair, and you think- how in the world could he do it, or how in the big blue whale could she say that? Someone, please put them all in a facility until common sense prevails!

I have had so many of these head-scratching encounters recently that I cannot help but vent here-

1. Can I use your comb?
No! You do not share combs like you do not share your toothbrush.

2. Giving back borrowed earphones without cleaning them
Should I go make candles with your ear wax?

3. How much do you earn?
Why, are you planning to give me a raise? Oh, wait! I know you are going to compare my salary with every girl's in the neighbourhood and will write a blog about it. Mind your own business. Period.

4. Peeking into people's phones over their shoulders
This happens so often in elevators, metros and basically everywhere. These people do not even know you to take interest in your personal life. Why do they do it?!

5. Talking loudly or continuing an outside conversation in the elevator 
Shhhh... ...like in the library!

6. Chewing with an open mouth and talking with the mouth full
You might have shiny white and sparkling teeth but please if you cannot wait until you finish chewing, at least cover your mouth.

7. Standing too close in the queue
I have embarrassed many (probably) well-meaning men in front of their wives for constantly touching my feet, bag or shoulders. I guess people do it also because these same people have a tendency to cut the line and fear that others might do this to them. Wait for your turn, man and keep an arm's distance, please.

8. Barging in through closed doors
Knock knock. Who's there? Not your brain. 

9. Not making introductions
It is so awkward standing through that moment until your friend introduces you or until this person that they just met leaves. 

10. Online trolling
Saying things online that you would never say in person needs no balls. I have no words for you if you do this. 

Now, these are not etiquette but manners. You see, the difference between etiquette and manners is that the former rules are relevant to a certain place or society while manners are BASIC ground rules for the world

Share your peeves too in comments below.

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